Openchat:a Chat App Open To All

This article is a go through map that followed to build my chat app💬 using Appwrite as BaaS

OPENCHAT🔥 : Appwrite Hashnode Hackathon

Team Details😎

I initially worked on this project as the sole contributor, but I am open to the idea of collaborating with others in the future.

Description of Project📝

I have recently delved into web development and created a chat app that is open to everyone. As the sole contributor, I took on the challenge of designing and developing this application. It aims to provide an inclusive space where people from all backgrounds can connect and chat freely. I am proud of what I have accomplished so far, but I am also excited about the future. I am open to collaborating with like-minded individuals who share a passion for web development. Together, we can create even more innovative and accessible web applications that redefine the way we communicate online.

Tech Stack⚒️

Here are the tools and services that I used to create this project:

  • Create React App
  • Appwrite Cloud

    • Database
  • Node.js

  • Vercel
  • Render

Challenges We Faced🏔️

During my project, I encountered challenges integrating the server with the Node.js SDK. To overcome this, I opted for client integration using the Web SDK. This alternative approach provided a seamless solution, enabling users to interact with the chat app directly from their browsers. I learned the importance of adaptability and exploring different approaches to overcome obstacles in web development.

Public Code Repo📢

The source code for my project is available for review and collaboration. It is written in a combination of programming languages, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The codebase is well-organized, following industry best practices and standards.

To access the source code, please follow the steps below:

  1. Clone the repository from the project's GitHub page: project-repo-link.
  2. Ensure that you have the necessary software and dependencies installed on your local machine, as mentioned in the project's documentation.
  3. Open your preferred integrated development environment (IDE) or text editor and navigate to the cloned repository.
  4. Explore the various directories and files to understand the project structure and architecture.
  5. Make modifications or enhancements to the code as desired, and feel free to contribute to the project by submitting pull requests.

The source code is shared under an open-source license, allowing developers to contribute, learn, and build upon it. Your collaboration and feedback are highly appreciated, as they contribute to the continuous improvement of the project.

Please refer to the project's documentation for detailed instructions on running the application and any additional information or guidelines. Happy coding🧑‍💻!

Want to have a peek at my awesome creation? Check out the demo video.📺